Finding the money you need when you need it can be a challenge. Life is expensive and it’s easy to get behind or fall short from time to time. Everyday expenses like groceries, transportation and car payments, insurance, utilities, clothing, rent or a mortgage and so much more can really add up. Add summer expenses on top of that and you have could be on the hunt to make ends meet.
Summer means activities for kids, increased temperatures that lead to higher utility bills, and with the kids home more from being out of school, you could be making even more trips to the grocery store. So let’s get prepared for a successful summer.
3 Ways Check Center Can Help
- Get paid faster with Netspend® Visa® Prepaid Cards available at Check Center. Get Paid Fast: As a cardholder, you can get paid and receive government benefits up to 2 days faster with direct deposit to your Check Center Netspend Visa Prepaid account. Click here to learn more.
- Keep more of your cash. Get 20% off check cashing fees when you choose to cash your check and load your Netspend® Visa® Prepaid Card.
- Are you or your kids working a side hustle this summer? Check Center has 2 locations across Northern California (Berkely, CA; Oakland, CA; Richmond, CA; ) to make finding the money you need more convenient. Click here to find the location near you.